
Today, assignments relating to monuments and interiors tend to require a global, multidisciplinary approach. For each artistic discipline, IPARC has a senior conservator who can give leadership and who also assumes final responsibility. In this way, quality and methodology (specific to the discipline in question) are guaranteed, while the structure also makes possible exchanges of know-how and best practice between the different disciplines.


Institutions and organizations often lack access to scientific developments and innovations in the area of image formation and microscopy because of limited budgets.

IPARC wants to bring economically sustainable scientific and innovative technology to those involved in study, research, evaluation and conservation/restoration of art and heritage objects.

The results of this research often prove to be useful in the public sector and for educational ends by integrating them in apps thus increasing interest and intellectual leverage for conservation and restoration projects.

The techniques mentioned below can be called upon for (preliminary) research, determining damage imagery. They can also be used to document objects of art and can be executed both at IPARC or in situ.

Exchange of knowledge

The multidisciplinary structure allows a diversified (project) team to work together under the supervision of senior conservators; it was also, however, established with the specific intention of fostering the exchange of knowledge – which is of crucial importance in a sector that relies on know-how and constant technological development.

Which is why IPARC is also a place where students in master programs in Belgium and abroad can complete their formation as a trainee.  IPARC is also a study and work environment for master students in restoration-conservation of art objects.


In this way major projects that require the intervention of a number of disciplines can be carried out in a methodical and structured way, with a transparent cost-benefit structure and clear legal and financial frameworks.

In addition, IPARC offers its clients a guarantee of continuity and fallback, so that deadlines (for the inauguration or opening of exhibitions, for example, or for the availability of subsidies) do not come under pressure.

Working guidelines

Each partner runs his or her own range of projects in the section of the workshop reserved for that purpose. Final responsibility for the quality of the service is always guaranteed by the senior conservator in question, who also looks after the ongoing monitoring and guidance of any other staff members who may work on the particular project. Although there is scope for the exchange of thoughts and treatment options, the final decisions are taken by the partner-conservator, who consults the client and the relevant public authorities.

The working zones are kept as clean as possible during the actual treatments and all products, treatments and instruments used are being documented.

Where projects in situ are concerned, the approach is similar taking into account the collaboration with other actors on the site. A log is being kept that will keep track of all those present and of all the work being done on a daily basis.

The workplace (which may be a scaffolding) is organized at all times and security regulations are observed at all times.

Different products are manufactured in our own workshop and new developments are always supported by desk research and continuous learning. IPARC only uses products that are made in the EU and always opts for the more sustainable option.

In the treatment file, all the research and treatments are described in detail and extensively documented with pictures and/or photographs which will be digitally incorporated in view of presenting the end report.