The relevance of the Corona pandemic, case studies and research data
Art and heritage collections are at risk to get attacked by insects which can severely damage or, if undetected, destroy the objects. One of many unwanted side effects of the corona pandemic lockdown and reduced or furloughed staff is the decrease of collection monitoring in museums, storage areas and heritage sites. This could result in a drastic increase of insect activity.
There is yet another and quite different aspect of the corona pandemic in context with collections: some of the biocides which have been applied to art and heritage collections have an adverse effect on the human immune system. Even decades after the application some of the CMR (cancerogenic mutagen reprotoxic) substances remain highly toxic and harmful.
These are just two topics which our expert team of speakers will touch and discuss with you in our seminar.
13:00 Registration
13:30 Welcome
Direction RKD and Leen Gysen, managing partner IPARC, Belgium (in Dutch)
13:40 New pests, new challenges
David Pinniger, museum entomologist, UK (in English)
14:10 IPM management and preventive conservation at IPARC / Next generation ICM chambers for pest and contamination management
Nikolaus Wilke, partner and business development director ICM, Germany (in English)
14:30 Case studies regulated humidity warm air treatment of V&A collection pieces
Val Blythe, preventive conservator and integrated pest management (IPM) co-ordinator (in English)
14:45 Coffee break
15:00 Biocides in museum collections – Contamination, analysis and decontamination
Boaz Paz, Chemist and decontamination expert Paz Laboratorien, Germany (in English)
15:30 Two decontamination case studies using the humidity regulated warm air method: PCP and Naphathalene
Michael Gagelmann, Biologist Oeko Consult, Germany (in English)
15:50 Case studies regulated humidity warm air treatment of Flemish old masters
David Lainé, senior partner painting conservation & research, IPARC, Belgium (in Dutch)
16:10 ICM service provisioning and methodology
Leen Gysen, managing partner IPARC, Belgium (in Dutch)
16:20 New research platform under development: a short presentation of RKD Digital Research
(speaker tbc)
16:40 Q&A (in Dutch/English)
17:00 Drinks & bites
18:00 End