This magnificent Renaissance city palace offers a discovery of the finest art of the Northern Renaissance. The museum was recently reopened after a thorough interior revamp and a massive collection conservation project. A new coffee shop and shop have also been integrated into the museum experience.
The monumental 16th century panel painting ‘The High Council’ by Jan Gossaert, the 15th century panel painting ‘Dance of the Virtues’, the Bozzetti by sculptor Lucas Faydherbe and the exquisite alabaster collection are a few of the works on display; from our workshop to you.
Currently also showing the temporary exhibition on the Knights of the Golden Fleece with a fabulous series of coats of arms, a project to which studio manager Charlotte Sevrin contributed.
The museum bridges ancient and contemporary with work by Anouk Declrerck,Sofie Muller and Berlinde De Bruyckere and many others.